Tuesday, December 31, 2013

My New Years Eve MOTD

Makeup used MAC & Loreal Paris 

What I used:
1. Vanilla pigment from MAC holiday Nocturnal  collection
2. Grey glitter from MAC holiday Nocturnal  collection
3. MAC embarked 
4. MAC carbon
5. MAC ricepaper 
6. MAC  Blacktrack fluidline 
7. Loreal voluminous mascara 
8. MAC Chickory lip pencil 
9. MAC honey love lipstick
10. MAC NC45 concealer 

How it's applied:
1. Bottom eyelids I applied MAC embarked 
2. From my crease upwards I used MAC carbon
3. I used rice paper as a highlight color
Below brow bone.
4. Then I added MAC pigment Vanilla on top of embarked for a champaign look. I then topped off the MAC carbon with MAC gray glitter.
5. On my lash line I added MAC blacktrack fluidline
6. Last I topped off the look with Loreal Mascara

Lips: I lined my lips with Chickory lipliner and filled it in with honeylove lipstick.

1.Filled in with embarked 
2. I then used NC42 concealer above and below eyebrow for that fresh waxed look

Count Down to New Year's 2014!

Count Down to New Year's 2014!

Its 24 hours until 2014! Its time to get dressed and party the night away. The it color for me is black and gold with a little sparkle. From coats to shoes, and accessories to makeup you can party the night away looking fabulous and fierce with these lovely color combination. Hopefully this sparkling look will put a twinkle in the eye of that special someone until the count down begins at 5..4..3..2..1...

Count Down to New Year's 2014! by ydecker86 featuring evening handbags

Friday, December 27, 2013

OOTD- Christmas Day!

Christmas day was a simple day, so I just put together something simple but cute together.

Yellow tank top- Abercrombie
Boots-Uggs Glitter (not in photo)

MOTD(makeup of the day) Christmas Day

Mac Pro goundwork paint pot (I used this as a primer for eyeshadow)
Mac vanilla pigment from the nocturnal holiday collection on bottom eye lid
Mac Black track fluid line for cut crease
Mac Grey Glitter from the nocturnal holiday collection on top of fluid line above the cut crease
Loreal mascara 
Mac rice paper high light color

Mac  lipliner Magenta
Mac Saint Germain lipstick

Costal Scents concealer pallet
Mac Pro longwear fondation NC45
Mac breath of plum for cheeks

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Happy Fashion Eve

Good morning beauties It's the day before Christmas, and I know everyone is in a hurry to get in their last minute Christmas gifts. If you can't get out today and shop then why not give a e-gift card. It's a great way to give a gift without having to actually go out and buy something. You don't have to pay for shipping or wait for it to be delivered. It's emailed right to the gift recipient, how cool is that. MAC cometics and many others are selling them now so don't delay and get one today:-)

Friday, December 20, 2013

What's on my lips

Along with fashion, makeup is my second love. I stride to look effortless with vivid lipstick colors that make my face pop. From pinks to reds and purple to lavender, I enjoy all the colors. My favorite brand of lipstick that I adore is MAC. Each lipstick is paired with a lip linear that matches perfectly to give me that wow factor. Mac lipsticks and liners $15 Nyx 6 for $25 on amazon

List if lippies from top to bottom 
1.Mac Haux from the Rihanna collection with Nyx lip liner Hot red
2. Mac Nikki 2 from the Nikki Minaj collection with Mac liner Veno 
3. Same as #1
4.Mac RiRi Boy from the Rihanna collection with Mac liner Magenta
5.same as #1
6.Mac Candy yum yum with Mac lip liner Magenta
7.Mac Honey Love with Mac lip liner Chickory

Sunday, December 15, 2013

Snow boots

It's the snowy season here in NJ and we've seen 2 snow days, the more recent was yesterday. It snowed for over 12 hours.. So I decided to do a blog on snow boots, which for some odd reason I don't own any snow boots
 yet :-) 

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Outfit of the Day

Today's outfit 
leggings $14.50
Long sleeve $4.50
Denim shirt $10
Boots $89
Total cost $118.....
Check out my Instagram for beauty pics pinklocksofmac86